

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Parque do Ingá

Parque do Inga was founded in 1971. In 1990 it became a permanent conservation area. With native trees and wildlife, the park was urbanized with cobblestones that urbanized central avenues of the city. The site has always been the main point of leisure for the population of Maringá, but also to a large audience in the region.
 More than two years, sick monkeys did the government close the park and start their revival, which has not yet ended. The works are not extinguished by a variety of factors. The time when the place was closed population withdrew their most important recreation area.
 Now reopened, the Park of Inga takes its role partially, many works are still ongoing and should change the direction of its use, but also whom to serve. A key change will be administered by a private company. Spaces of entertainment and services will be in charge of free enterprise. What must maintain service quality and conservation.
 Before its closure, the Park of Inga was visited by the low income population. Buses arrived with visitors from neighboring towns who passed Sunday, especially within the site. A pleasure that can now return.
 Already, outside, walking around the park, those who never failed to do their daily physical activities. Most of the better income, which until now had not seen the closure of the site a significant loss. Were not affected.

Did you know that the main curiosity of the Park of Inga was the restoration and relocation of the cave of the Ingá Park, built in 1971. Several people took pictures and faithful praying at the foot of Our Lady Aparecida. The image of the saint was enshrined in the Ingá Park on October 10, 1971, at the hands of Governor Harold Leon Peres. According to the Archdiocese of Maringá, in time, a multitude of the faithful followed a procession to install the image in the cave. For many years the cave was a pilgrimage site.

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