

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


                                  ACEMA - Maringá
ACEMA is the entity that represents the community-nipo Brazil in Maringá.  It appeared in June 18, 1947, under the name initial MARINGÁ NIHONJINKAI (Japanese Association of Maringá) and represented 65 immigrant families established there.

That same year, concurrent with the activities of MARINGÁ NIHONJINKAI, the young generation-Brazilian nipo created their own association: the SOCEMA - Sports Cultural Society of Maringá.
The merger of these companies in December 1972 gave rise to the ACEMA - SPORTS AND CULTURAL ASSOCIATION MARINGÁ, which today brings together approximately 2,000 associates.
In June 20th, 1978, the day of the 70th Anniversary of Japanese Immigration to Brazil, launched the cornerstone of the current headquarters of ACEM by Their Highnesses Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, the heirs of the Imperial Family of Japan, then on an official visit to Brazil.

The completion of the works took place in October 1980, with new works by constantly widening and improvements are made.
Aiming at promotion of sports, cultural and social, the ACEMA is a fundamental principle to preserve and disseminate the traditions, customs and teachings of ancient Japanese culture combined with the desire to contribute through work, dedication and love for a better world.
Students: Mayara e Gabriela - 1.A

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